Con este sencillo .conf funcionará perfectamente el eggdrop puedes manejar tus canales con TCL personalizadas que te ayudarán mejor que el .conf completo.
Destacar que está personalizado para eggdrop1.9.0

Código: Seleccionar todo
#! /path/to/executable/eggdrop
## These are the common modules loaded by eggdrop for an IRC-connected bot.
## For a complete description of each module, please consult eggdrop.conf
#loadmodule pbkdf2 ; # Generation 2 userfile encryption
loadmodule blowfish ; # Legacy userfile encryption support
loadmodule dns ; # Asynchronous DNS support
loadmodule channels ; # Channel support
loadmodule server ; # Core server support
loadmodule ctcp ; # CTCP functionality
loadmodule irc ; # Basic IRC functionality
#loadmodule transfer ; # DCC SEND/GET and Userfile transfer
#loadmodule share ; # Userfile sharing
#loadmodule compress ; # Compress userfiles for transfer
#loadmodule filesys ; # File server support
#loadmodule notes ; # Note storing for users
loadmodule console ; # Console setting storage
#loadmodule seen ; # Basic seen functionality
#loadmodule assoc ; # Party line channel naming
loadmodule uptime ; # Centralized uptime stat collection (
loadmodule ident ; # Ident support
#loadmodule twitch ; # Twitch gaming service support
##### BASIC SETTINGS #####
## Set the nick the bot uses on IRC, and on the botnet unless you specify a
## separate botnet-nick, here.
set nick "NICK-DE-MI-BOT"
## Set the alternative nick which the bot uses on IRC if the nick specified
## by 'set nick' is unavailable. All '?' characters will be replaced by random
## numbers.
## Set what should be displayed in the real-name field for the bot on IRC.
## This can not be blank, it has to contain something.
set realname "REALNAME DE MI BOT"
## This setting defines the username the bot uses on IRC. This setting has no
## effect if an ident daemon is running on your bot's machine. See also ident
## module.
set username "IDENT-DE-MI-BOT"
## This setting defines which contact person should be shown in .status,
## /msg help, and other places. You really should include this information.
set admin "PeLL <email:>" # INFO DEL ADMIN DEL BOT AL PONER .status EN PARTY LINE.
# Un-comment the next line and set the list of owners of the bot.
# You NEED to change this setting.
# This is a list of handles -- usernames in the bot.
set owner "PeLL" # DUEÑO DEL BOT
server add 6667
server add 6669 password
server add 2001:db8:618:5c0:263:: 6669 password
server add +7000
## Network settings overview
## With the addition of IPv6 and the associated config changes, here are some
## BASIC common networking scenarios, along with the appropriate settings
## needed:
## If your host has multiple IPv4 addresses, uncomment and set this variable
## to the IP you wish to use for connecting to IRC.
#set vhost4 ""
#set vhost4 ""
# If your host has multiple IPv6 addresses, uncomment and set this variable
# to the IP you wish to use for connecting to IRC.
#set vhost6 ""
#set vhost6 "2001:db8::c001:b07"
## Prefer IPv6 over IPv4 for connections and dns resolution?
## If the preferred protocol family is not supported, the other one
## will be tried.
set prefer-ipv6 0
## If you want to have your Eggdrop messages displayed in a language other
## than English, change this setting to match your preference. An alternative
## would be to set the environment variable EGG_LANG to that value.
## Languages included with Eggdrop: Danish, English, French, Finnish, German,
## Italian, Portugese.
#addlang "english"
##### LOG FILES #####
## See eggdrop.conf for documentation on the logfile flags and settings.
# This creates a logfile named eggdrop.log that captures items logged at the
# m, c, and o log levels (private msgs/ctcps, commands/errors, and misc
# info) from any channel.
logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log"
# This creates a logfile named lamest.log that captures items logged at the
# j, p, and k log levels (joins/parts/quits/netsplits, public chat,
# kicks/bans/mode changes) on the channel #lamest.
#logfile jpk #lamest "logs/lamest.log"
## This should be 0 for disk space restricted shells, and 1 if you want to
## generate channel statistics with tools such as pisg.
## If it is 0, eggdrop will delete logfiles older than 2 days.
## If it is 1, eggdrop will keep logging into the specified logfiles forever.
## See eggdrop.conf for more detailed settings.
set log-forever 0
## Code to set settings based on the above setting, do not edit this.
if {${log-forever}} {
set switch-logfiles-at 2500
set keep-all-logs 0
## "Writing user file..." and "Writing channel file..." messages won't be logged
## anymore if this option is enabled. If you set it to 2, the "Backing up user
## file..." and "Backing up channel file..." messages will also not be logged.
## In addition to this, you can disable the "Switching logfiles..." and the new
## date message at midnight, by setting this to 3.
set quiet-save 0
# Specify here the filename your userfile should be saved as.
set userfile "NICK-DE-MI-BOT.user"
# Specify here where Eggdrop should look for help files. Don't modify this
# setting unless you know what you're doing!
set help-path "help/"
## If you want to use a different nickname on the botnet than you use on
## IRC (i.e. if you're on an un-trusted botnet), un-comment the next line
## and set it to the nick you would like to use.
# This opens a telnet port by which you and other bots can interact with the
# Eggdrop by telneting in. There are more options for the listen command in
# doc/tcl-commands.doc. Note that if you are running more than one bot on the
# same machine, you will want to space the telnet ports at LEAST 5 apart,
# although 10 is even better.
# Valid ports are typically anything between 1025 and 65535 assuming the
# port is not already in use. If you would like the bot to listen for users
# and bots in separate ports, use the following format:
# listen 3333 bots
# listen 4444 users
# If you wish to use only one port, use this format:
# listen 3333 all
# You can setup a SSL port by prepending a plus sign to it:
# listen +5555 all
##### SSL SETTINGS #####
## Settings in this section take effect when eggdrop is compiled with TLS
## support. If you didn't generate SSL keys already, you can type
## 'make sslcert' in your eggdrop source directory.
## IMPORTANT: The following two settings MUST be uncommented in order to
## use SSL functionality!
#set ssl-privatekey "eggdrop.key"
## Specify the filename where your SSL certificate is located. If you
## don't set this, eggdrop will not be able to act as a server in SSL
## connections. Must be in PEM format.
#set ssl-certificate "eggdrop.crt"
## Specify the location at which CA certificates for verification purposes
## are located. These certificates are trusted. If you don't set this,
## certificate verification will not work.
set ssl-capath "/etc/ssl/"
## Enable certificate authorization. Set to 1 to allow users and bots to
## identify automatically by their certificate fingerprints. Setting it
## to 2 to will force fingerprint logins. With a value of 2, users without
## a fingerprint set or with a certificate UID not matching their handle
## won't be allowed to login on SSL enabled telnet ports. Fingerprints
## must be set in advance with the .fprint and .chfinger commands.
## NOTE: this setting has no effect on plain-text ports.
#set ssl-cert-auth 0
## You can control SSL certificate verification using the following variables.
## All of them are flag-based. You can set them by adding together the numbers
## for all exceptions you want to enable. By default certificate verification
## is disabled and all certificates are assumed to be valid. The numbers are
## the following:
## Enable certificate verification - 1
## Allow self-signed certificates - 2
## Don't check peer common or alt names - 4
## Allow expired certificates - 8
## Allow certificates which are not valid yet - 16
## Allow revoked certificates - 32
## A value of 0 disables verification.
## Control certificate verification for IRC servers
#set ssl-verify-server 0
## Control certificate verification for DCC chats (only /dcc chat botnick)
#set ssl-verify-dcc 0
## Control certificate verification for linking to hubs
#set ssl-verify-bots 0
## Control certificate verification for SSL listening ports. This includes
## leaf bots connecting, users telneting in and /ctcp bot chat.
#set ssl-verify-clients 0
## Below are various settings for the modules included with Eggdrop.
## PLEASE READ AND EDIT THEM CAREFULLY, even if you're an old hand at
## Eggdrop, things change.
## This path specifies the path were Eggdrop should look for its modules.
## If you run the bot from the compilation directory, you will want to set
## this to "". If you use 'make install' (like all good kiddies do ;), this
## is a fine default. Otherwise, use your head :)
set mod-path "modules/"
#### DNS MODULE ####
## In case your bot has trouble finding dns servers or you want to use
## specific ones, you can set them here. The value is a list of dns servers.
## The order doesn't matter. You can also specify a non-standard port.
## The default is to use the system specified dns servers. You don't need to
## modify this setting normally. Default kernel implementations limit this list
## to 3 servers.
#set dns-servers ""
## Enter here the filename where dynamic channel settings are stored.
set chanfile "NICK-DE-MI-BOT.chan"
## What is your network?
## If your network is not specifically listed here, please see eggdrop.conf
## for more information on what the best selection is.
## Options are:
## EFnet
## IRCnet
## Undernet
## DALnet
## freenode
## QuakeNet
## Rizon
## Twitch (This requires twitch.mod to be loaded as well)
## Other (This is a good, sane option if your network/ircd is not listed here)
set net-type "Other"
# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server. If
# you want to authenticate Eggdrop with NickServ, uncomment and edit the middle
# line below.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
# putserv "PRIVMSG NickServ :identify <password>"
## Set the default port which should be used if none is specified with
## '.jump' or in 'set servers'.
set default-port 6667
#### CTCP MODULE ####
## Set here how the ctcp module should answer ctcps.
## Options are:
## 0 = Normal behavior is used.
## 1 = The bot ignores all ctcps, except for CHAT and PING requests
## by users with the +o flag.
## 2 = Normal behavior is used, however the bot will not answer more
## than X ctcps in Y seconds (defined by 'set flood-ctcp').
set ctcp-mode 0
#### IRC MODULE ####
## Many takeover attempts occur due to lame users blindly /msg ident'ing to
## the bot and attempting to guess passwords. We now unbind this command by
## default to discourage them. You can enable these commands by commenting the
## following two lines.
unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
##### SCRIPTS #####
## This is a good place to load scripts to use with your bot.
## This line loads script.tcl from the scripts directory inside your Eggdrop's
## directory. All scripts should be put there, although you can place them where
## you like as long as you can supply a fully qualified path to them.
## source scripts/script.tcl
## The 3 scripts below are default and shouldn't be removed.
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/dccwhois.tcl
## This script provides many useful informational functions, like setting
## users' URLs, e-mail address, ICQ numbers, etc. You can modify it to add
## extra entries.
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
## Use this script for Tcl and Eggdrop backwards compatibility.
## NOTE: This can also cause problems with some newer scripts.
source scripts/compat.tcl